Your Mouth: A Window To Your Overall Health
Have you heard the saying, “the eyes may be the window to the soul?” Well the research shows that your mouth is a window to your body’s health. Your oral health is connected to many other health conditions beyond your mouth. Sometimes the first sign of a disease going on in ones body shows up in your mouth. In other cases, infections in your mouth, such as gum disease, can cause problems in other areas of your body. If fact, research indicates that gum disease may be linked to other diseases. These diseases include diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer.
Here’s a look, in detail at some of the diseases and conditions that may be linked to oral health:
One thing you can do to keep the bacteria in your mouth low so you can help prevent periodontal disease, gum disease, and some of these conditions we have talked about, is good oral health care. One of the main things you can do at home is daily brushing and flossing. Another is to come and see your dentist. It is more important than ever to take good care of your mouth, teeth and gums. Here at Legacy Dental we care about your overall health and especially your oral health. When you come in we will do a detailed periodontal risk assessment that will determine your need for further treatment. We hope to see you soon.
Article written by Heather Kennedy. Heather is a dental hygienist at Legacy Dental in Salt Lake City, UT
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