What You Should Know About Your Child’s Loose Tooth

Medically Reviewed By
Jonathan G. Campbell, DDS, FAGD
One of the top rated Dentist in Salt Lake City, UT

DO YOU REMEMBER losing your baby teeth? For children, it is an extremely important milestone that symbolizes becoming a “big kid!” Losing their first tooth—and every tooth after that—is a special moment, not only because they’ll be receiving a visit from the tooth fairy, but also because it is a sign they are growing up. It can be hard on parents too. I remember feeling a little melancholy as each of my children started losing their teeth. It signaled and end of toddler and preschool ages.

Here’s some information to help you and your child get through this phase with a smile!

Let It Happen Naturally

Many parents wonder if they should be trying to get their child’s baby teeth out as soon as possible after they become loose. A child’s baby teeth fall out naturally and oftentimes painlessly if we simply let nature take its course. Usually, a baby tooth becomes loose while a permanent tooth starts coming in. This causes the roots of the baby tooth to dissolve until the tooth is loose enough to fall out painlessly.

It may take a few months for the baby tooth to become loose enough to fall out. You can encourage your child to wiggle the tooth to loosen it, but don’t try to force it. For example, don’t pull the classic “tie your tooth to the door knob” stunt. If the root is only half dissolved, and therefore not ready to fall out yet, it could break and become infected if yanked out abruptly.

If however, you can see the permanent tooth coming in to the side of or behind the baby tooth, your dentist should evaluate that condition. Sometimes those teeth need to be removed, to allow the permanent teeth the opportunity to come into the right location.

Knocked Out Baby Teeth Require Special Attention

If your child’s baby tooth was knocked out long before it would have fallen out, it may be a good idea to visit us to get it checked out. When a tooth is prematurely knocked out, there is a risk of infection and damage to the permanent tooth. Baby teeth are not reimplanted once knocked out. But if your child has a tooth knocked out or loose, call your dentist immediately and bring what was knocked out.

We Want The Best For Your Child’s Smile

This is an exciting time for your child! Getting presents from the tooth fairy as well as having their permanent teeth grow in are special moments for them. As your trusted dental practice, we are here to make these experiences as positive as they can be for both you and your child! …and don’t be like my wife and me. The tooth fairy always forgets to visit our house. I have to explain to my children that tooth fairy doesn’t like dentists, because we are always stealing the fairy’s teeth.

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