This forum on linkedIn discusses the importance of a smile in sales and I would add life. One of the common things people worry about is whether their smile might detract from their appearance.
One of the things you’ll notice, if you look at a lot of teeth, is that most celebrities and people that we consider beautiful do not have perfectly straight teeth. You can see some really bad examples here. Their lack of perfection in the pearly white department does not seem to detract from their ability to succeed in professions where image is most everything.
A Frank Spear study found that there are some specific things that are definitely noticed by most people and can make your smile be a liability rather than an asset. What follows are the key smile indicators that people noticed.
Those are the main things people notice. A person can get away with a little crowding, teeth that are worn, other small defects, or teeth that aren’t neon white and no one is likely to notice. But if you suffer from one of these “noticeable” smile defects, it may hurt your image and other’s perception of you. Cosmetic dentistry can help.
Email ( us a close-up and we’d be happy to rank your smile and make some recommendations. The dentists at Legacy Dental in Salt Lake City, would be happy to answer any cosmetic dental questions you may have.
Legacy Dental blog is proudly run by our Salt Lake City dentists team; We share knowledge about general dental care and practices. Apart from running this blog, we offer various dental services such as general dentistry, emergency dentistry, and dental implants for the community in Salt Lake City, Utah
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