If you’re missing some of your natural teeth, but still have some remaining, you have several options for replacing the missing ones. Some of these options are great, while others are questionable. One option that seems to be increasing in popularity is flexible partial dentures.
Tooth loss is a common issue, and, for many years, the most affordable option was conventional dentures. Typically, this dental appliance is made of a metal plate with acrylic gums and either composite resin or porcelain teeth. In recent years, a new option was introduced to the market: flexible partial dentures. This restoration option is said to bend and fit into your mouth better.
As the name indicates, flexible partial dentures are only for those who still have some natural teeth remaining. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no flexible option for those who are missing all of their teeth. These dentures are softer and more flexible than conventional dentures, which solves many of the issues that typically come with wearing dentures.
Just like with other restoration options, flexible partial dentures have advantages and disadvantages:
Flexible partial dentures are made from a thin thermoplastic material that can bend and flex to fit into your mouth. The biggest drawback is that there is no way to add additional teeth if you need to later on. You will need to replace the entire piece.
The process of getting flexible partial dentures is basically the same as getting conventional dentures or other tooth restoration. You will start by scheduling a consultation visit with your dentist. The dentist will perform a comprehensive exam including x-rays to determine the best tooth replacement option for you. If you are looking for Partial Dentures in Salt Lake City, Utah, we have some amazing options at Legacy Dental.
If flexible partial dentures are a good option for you, the dentist will move forward with the process. There are several popular brands to choose from. The dentist will create an impression of your mouth so that the denture can be made to fit properly, including having the right number of teeth.
The average cost is between $700 to $3,000. This is higher than the cost of conventional dentures. The good news is that your dental insurance may cover it. You will need to work with your provider to determine which dental restorations they cover. Most dental clinics offer financing options for those who do not have coverage or who have dental insurance that does not cover this treatment.
There are several factors that the dentist will use to determine a patient’s eligibility for flexible partial dentures, including:
The first consideration is the oral and overall health of the patient. If a patient has active gum disease, tooth decay, or other dental issues, this may not be the best treatment option.
This treatment is best for patients who are missing a few teeth. If a patient is missing most or all of their teeth, a conventional partial or full denture may be better.
This treatment option requires adequate bone density to hold the denture in place.
Younger patients who are missing teeth due to disease or trauma are better candidates for this treatment option than older patients who are missing teeth due to age. In addition, older patients are more susceptible to developing gum disease, which can impact the success of this treatment option.
Patients who are physically active may not be good candidates for this treatment option.
When considering this treatment option, it’s important to make sure that you understand what to expect. If you want a natural-looking, comfortable option to conventional dentures, this may be the best option.
This treatment option is ideal for patients who have mobile teeth. However, it’s important to evaluate the extent of mobility to determine the suitability of this option.
Patients with certain medical conditions will not qualify for this treatment.
Patients who are willing to comply with aftercare and take care of their oral and overall health should qualify for this treatment option.
Treatment cost is often one of the most important considerations when it comes to treatment options. This can be more expensive than other options and may or may not be covered by insurance.
Legacy Dental blog is proudly run by our Salt Lake City dentists team; We share knowledge about general dental care and practices. Apart from running this blog, we offer various dental services such as general dentistry, emergency dentistry, and dental implants for the community in Salt Lake City, Utah
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