The natural color of your teeth should match the whites of your eyes. However, if it does not, there’s no reason to panic. There are lots of reasons your teeth may turn yellow or discolored- even if you are vigilant with your oral hygiene habits.
Tooth whitening procedures can help with making yellow teeth become white again. This is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of teeth. Since there are no functional benefits, most dental insurance providers will not cover teeth whitening treatments.
Legacy Dental in Salt Lake City, Utah offers several options for whitening your yellow teeth. In this article, we’ll explain four options for whitening your discolored teeth and how to prevent the discoloration from coming back.
Teeth whitening is a safe, non-invasive, affordable cosmetic dental procedure that involves removing both extrinsic and intrinsic staining on teeth.
Teeth whitening offers a variety of benefits including improving your appearance by making you look younger and boosting your confidence.
There are several options for whitening your yellow teeth, including:
Whitening toothpaste can be obtained over the counter from your local pharmacy. These are designed to be used at home during your normal oral hygiene routine. Whitening toothpaste should be used along with other options. They will not give you extreme results alone but can improve your results from other methods.
Whitening gels can be applied at home or in the office. A whitening gel is applied directly to the teeth or placed in a tray that is placed on the teeth. The gel is left on the teeth for up to 30 minutes or so, depending on the instructions on the whitening kit. After the time expires, the gel should be brushed off.
In-office professional teeth whitening covers a variety of different procedures including gels and lasers. Professional teeth whitening offers more dramatic results that last longer than at-home options. This is because the concentration of whitening ingredients in the substances used is much higher.
Laser teeth whitening is a professional teeth whitening option that involves putting a whitening gel on your teeth and using a laser to activate it. These procedures usually last for about 30 to 45 minutes.
Results from teeth whitening should last at least 6 months to a year. However, if you do not change your habits, the results will not last. Below are a few tips to help you prevent your teeth from staining yellow after whitening:
Over time, darker-colored foods/beverages including coffee, tea, red wine, soy sauce, berries, dark chocolate, and more can cause tooth stains to develop. If possible, these should be avoided. If you do consume these, you should rinse your mouth immediately and, if possible, brush your teeth.
Tooth discoloration is most common among those who smoke or use smokeless tobacco products. Plus, these products have a negative impact on your overall health. Ideally, you should quit using these products completely. If you need help, ask your dentist or medical provider for guidance.
Acidic foods can damage tooth enamel, which allows the dentin to show through. Dentin is the middle layer of the teeth, which is naturally more yellow than enamel. By avoiding these foods, you can reduce your risk of enamel erosion.
According to the American Dental Association, you should visit the dentist at least every 6 months. This will help to prevent any issues before they escalate and can keep your teeth brighter and whiter.
If your teeth are yellow or otherwise discolored, schedule an evaluation with the team at Legacy Dental today. We have the experience and expertise to determine the type of staining you have, what caused it in the first place, and the best option for whitening your teeth.
We are located at 1345 East 3900 South, Suite 116 in Salt Lake City. You can schedule your visit by calling the office at (801) 278-4223 or by visiting the website. In addition to teeth whitening, we offer a variety of general, cosmetic, and restorative dental services for the entire family.
Legacy Dental blog is proudly run by our Salt Lake City dentists team; We share knowledge about general dental care and practices. Apart from running this blog, we offer various dental services such as general dentistry, emergency dentistry, and dental implants for the community in Salt Lake City, Utah
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